Can we place the money collected as charity for the poor in an investment on the condition that we use the profit as well as the capital exclusively for the benefit of the needy.
If a government contractor were to give a monetary gift to the government official by whom he is hired or to the government supervisor who is responsible for assessing and overseeing his work, would this be a permissible action?
Some individuals and entities, neglecting the critical significance of water quality to public health and wellbeing, dispose of their waste by discharging it into the ever-diminishing bodies of surface water (rivers, wetlands, lakes, etc.), making them harmful to and unusable by the surrounding population. What is the religious precept governing this practice?
After praying at a mosque, I mistakenly took the turbah, which belonged to that mosque, with me when I left. What am I supposed to do now? Do I have to return it to that same mosque?
Our neighborhood mosque was rebuilt a while ago. In the rebuilding process a basement was added, which was initially used as a prayer hall but was later rented out and is now being used as a restaurant. Is this repurposing permissible?
Is it permissible to play dafs (frame drums) at women-only gatherings, say gatherings held for celebrating festive religious occasions, weddings, etc.?